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We happy to announce we are launching a colouring book together with almost 100 other artists!
You can either buy an E-Book which you can use on your iPad or you can print your favourite pages, or you can pre-order an printed book.
The printed book is available to order from 5 till 14 November.
Ofcourse the profit of the book will go to a good cause again, all profit will go to ARK natuurontwikkeling. ARK realizes nature reserves where nature can take its own course as much as possible. This results in a great wealth of landscapes, plants and animals.
Connections between nature centers provide the necessary network for plants and animals to move and adopt to changes in climate and use of space.
Artist that are participating:
Adia Saz | @aidasaz |
Alan Baker | @inkyal |
Alina Morze | @morzetattoo |
Anaïs Planas Pujol | @ice_tattooink |
Subliquida | @subliquida |
Ania Shevchun | |
Anna van den Brink | @am.tattoos |
Annemarie Dekker | @annemariedekkertattoo |
Any Lay | |
Arlette Beerenfenger | @handpoke.byarlette |
Barbara Jimenez | @barbara.tattooer |
Berker Özekmek | |
Bertina Rens | @bertinarens |
Brian Uitermark | @brian.blxckwork |
Brian Lambert | @beesttattoos |
Chamilda Florense | @chamilda |
Christie Zwart | @zwart.ttt |
Dagmar Derksen | @dagmarderksen |
David Mateo | @kareinka_tattoo |
Doud | @doud.equinox |
Elise Metekohy | @marked_by_elise |
Emiel van Boekel | @emielvanboekel |
Federica Salvini | @fede.tattoos |
Floortje Neelen | @ave.flo.maria.tattoos |
Gihan Koster | @eliasgihan.tattooer |
Hanne Smit | @hannesmit |
Hika | @hinkart_tattoo |
Ilse Mulder | @ilse.designs |
Ina Schimp | @ivanuschka |
Ingridi Moreira | @ingridimoreiraa |
Jade Jay | |
Jakob Holst | @jakobxtattoos |
Jay Wennekers | @medua_art |
Jenny Olivia Nieman | @Jennyolivia_ |
Jente Bootsman | @jentebootsman |
Jessy Germs | @jessydoestattoos |
Joe Sinner | @joesinnertattoos |
Jim Burgman | @jimburgman |
Julia Babich | @babichtattoo |
Justin Morris | @justinsst |
Karlijn Ettema | @kadae.atelier |
Karry Ka-Ying Poon | @poonkaros |
Katya Geta | @kategeta |
Kayleigh Smetsers | @kayleighsmetsers |
Kenneth van den Eerenbeemd | @tattoosbykenn |
Keroh Zen | @keroh_zen |
Kevin Cox | @broke.kek |
Ksenia Zubareva | @zks87 |
Lars Peper | |
Latisha Ligtvoet | @latisha.ligtvoet |
Laura Rabadan | @larabe_tattoo |
Laurens van Gurp | @laurensvangurpdesign |
Leonie Koevoet | @leoniepalanca |
Levy Meyer | @levysixx |
Lis Maris | @eam.artsy |
Lisa Richter | @chihirotattoos |
Liza van Olden-Sie | @omgitsliza |
Lizzy Geurts van Kessel | @colorful_essence |
Luna Leia | @lunaleiaa |
HÅntverk | @hantverk_tattoos_nl |
Maarten Kasantirto | @madkasantirto |
Manon Dam | @misspoppytattoo |
Manu Miquel | @manu.tattooer |
Marjolein Struijk | @marjoleinstruijk |
Mark Coolen | @mark_wittewel |
Martijn de Vries (Tinus) | @tattootinus |
Matylda Jaszczurka | @lizard.matilda |
Maureen klein Breteler | @maureen.k_b |
Melanie de Gier | @mellyymae |
Mitchell Keanu Kneefel | @keanu_illu |
Nick van Doorn | @nick3xl |
Nora Pruyser | @norapruyser |
Nynke van der Linden | @nyndesign |
Olga Lierre | @olgalierre_tat |
Pedro Leocorny | @pedroleocorny |
Pim Verest | @dutchbandit |
Quinn Dietvorst | @quinndietvorst |
Rhiannon de Vries | @rhiannonstattooart |
Robyn Hamel | |
Roald van den Broek | @roaldvdbroektattoo |
Samuel Adams | @samueladamsw |
Sanne Bethlehem | @sennie.Ruzovy |
Sebastian Skrobol | @skrobolsebastian |
Shaydie Panhuyzen | @piece.of.shay |
Shenna Audenaerd | @shennakiart |
Sofie Marie | @sooffosho |
Taras Prystupa | @taras.prystupa_tattoo |
Tim Luijten | |
Tom Sieben | @tomsieben_tattoo |
Vera Rosa | @verarosatattoo |
Victoria Guimaraes | @_victoriaguimaraes_ |
Willemijn Ruissen | @wimswim |
Yasmin Luijten | @yazzink |