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Any Questions


I want to make an appointment

We only do custom designs, this means we do not copy any designs or existing tattoos from other artists.

You can make an appointment via mail. We plan +/- 4 months upfront, since we do not work with the ‘walk-in’ method.

We post on social media when the bookings will be open for an artist. When the 4 months are filled in, the bookings will be closed for another 4 months.

If the bookings are open, you can make an appointment by going to the page of the artist on this website and choose the button ‘make an appointment’. Fill in the form as complete as you can, in order for the artist can asses the request. If your request is within the style and method of the artist, you will receive an email to discuss a date. The artist will submit the next open spot in his/her agenda. When a date is confirmed, you will be asked to make a down payment to confirm the appointment.

We do not tattoo anyone under the age of 18.

Requesting your design

After the confirmation of your appointment, you will probably have to wait for some months for the moment of the century; your own BlackBear Inky. You can discuss the design with the artist in the shop on the day of your appointment. There’s plenty of time for this, and adjustments can of course still be made!

Cancel appointment

Canceling your appointment only affects your down payment.
If the appointment is canceled at least 48 hours in advance, you get the deposit back in the form of a gift voucher and you can take it with you to your next appointment. For your next appointment we will still ask you for a new down payment as well, as confirmation.
If you cancel within 48 hours before the appointment, we unfortunately cannot change the down payment into a gift voucher, as the down payment is for the time and effort our artist put in your design, and we won’t be able to find someone to fill that spot in such a short notice.

No exceptions will be made if the appointment is canceled within 48 hours before the appointment. So also not in case of illness, force majeure or quarantine due to corona.

Exception BlackBear Ink Eindhoven:

Since we do not work on weekends, appointments on Mondays must be canceled at least on Friday before 6:00 PM. If that is not the case, we also have to charge the deposit for the invested time of the artist for the design.

Exception BlackBear Ink Utrecht:

Since we do not work on Sundays and Mondays, cancellations of appointments on Tuesdays must be done at least on Saturday before 5:00 PM. If that is not the case, we also have to charge the deposit for the invested time of the artist for the design.


Piercing pricing

Click here for more information on piercing prices


The price of your tattoo is not based on hourly rates. You can ask for an indication after your request for your tattoo is confirmed. The exact price can be given when the design is finished.

Start rate

Because of the hygienic proceedings we handle as shop, the starting prize rate is from 100,-

Down payment

We ask for a down payment as confirmation of the appointment for every tattoo, this is also for the time and effort our artist put in your design. The exact amount can vary. The down payment will be settled with the total price.

Payment options

It is possible to pay with cash and by card in the shop.

Cancel appointment

Bummer! Can’t, or don’t want to get a tattoo with us anymore?

Cancelling an appointment will affect the down payment. If you cancel 24 hours in advance, you can either choose to get it back as a gift voucher or as a down payment for your next appointment.

If you cancel it within 24 hours, we are forced to keep the down payment because we will not find someone to fill in that spot on such short notice.

Can I use my gift voucher on the webshop?

Sadly, you cannot use your gift voucher on the webshop.
You can use your gift voucher for your new tattoo or piercing.
The gift card has to be spend in whole.


How do I prepare?

We recommend to be well-fed and hydrated for your appointment. Best case scenario is that you do not party to much the night before; alcohol dilutes your blood, which leads to dilution of our pigments & this will have a negative effect on your tattoo. You can come in relaxed and calm; you are in capable hands!


Carl & Johan

An artist with tattoo skills is very important for a good result, but taking care of your tattoo is as much important. We use and sell aftercare products from Carl & Johan. We recommend these products because they are developed especially for the healing process of your tattoo. You can ask in the shop for more information or you can check their website http://www.carlandjohan.com/

Basic information

Getting a tattoo means that your skin will be damaged. If you take care of your tattoo it will take around six weeks for the wound to heal. This depends of course of the size of your tattoo.

0-2 days; sports
0-20 days; swimming
0-25 days; sauna
0-30 days; sunbathing
0-60 days; tanning beds

Always use a high factor sunblock on your tattoo, even after the healing process.


Do not wear tight, dirty, hairy or wool clothing on the tattoo-wound.
Do not let the tattoo come in contact with animals or dirt. Clean the tattoo with Carl & Johan Purifying Soap when this occurs.
Contact your doctor by extreme redness, swelling, bleeding, pus & colour change of the wound.


DAY 1-2
Leave the foil on for max. 2 – 4 hours after getting the tattoo.
Wash your hands and tattoo with the Carl & Johan Purifying Soap.
Dry your tattoo by dabbing gently with a clean towel
Apply a bit of Regeneration Cream on your tattoo.
Wait 1 or 2 days with this step in case your tattoo is still very ‘wet’
Repeat this 3 times a day
Let the tattoo breath as much as possible.
Only wear a foil if the tattoo can come into contact with dirty surfaces or tight / fluffy clothing.

DAY 3-14

Wash your tattoo every morning gently with Carl & Johan Purifying Soap.
Apply a bit of Carl & Johan Regeneration Cream on your tattoo a couple of times per day.

Second Skin

DAY 1-5
Let the second skin sit for 5 days.
You can also take showers while wearing the second skin
If there’s fluid leaking from the second skin, remove it and continue your healing process with foil

Remove the second skin while running it under warm water
Wash your tattoo with Purifying Soap
Apply the Regenerating Cream

DAG 5-14
Wash your tattoo every morning and evening gently with Carl & Johan Purifying Soap.
Apply a bit of Carl & Johan Regeneration Cream on your tattoo a couple of times per day.

Touch up

Tattoos that have been done at one of our tattoo shops can be updated free of charge within 3 months of the initial appointment. If the follow-up appointment falls outside of this 3-month period due to the artist’s scheduling, the appointment remains free of charge.

As guest artists are temporary employees at BlackBear Ink, tattoos will be updated free of charge during the guest artist’s next visit.


Tattoos will not be updated free of charge if they have not been properly cared for; this will be determined by the artist on the day of the appointment. At BlackBear Ink, we do not update tattoos done by other artists, only tattoos done by artists or guest artists working at BlackBear Ink.

If a guest artist does’nt have a visit scheduled, the tattoo may be touched up by one of our resident artists within BlackBear Ink for a fee.

Series and Flashes


Yes we have a tattoo gripper! If you like a challenge and want to practice your carnival-skills; come to the tattoo gripper day! On this special day, numbered little teddybears are put in the machine. The numbers on the bears match a design. The first one in is the first one who get to try to take his/her favorite design. All designs are unique and will be tattooed once. You will get a gift voucher from the shop if you got a little bear with a design you really don’t want.

Online series

Once a serie is put online, you can reserve them via the mail of the artist. If you are the first to mail, an appointment will be made and a down payment will be done. The designs will be tattooed once and the first responder is the first one who gets it.

Aftercare regular piercings

Basic information

The aftercare of a piercing is just as important as the professionalism of the piercer.
It’s normal that the piercing will swell in the weeks after it’s been pierced. Because of that, you will get jewellery with a longer bar at first.
Characteristics like redness, crusts, light pain (when you touch the piercing) and wound fluid are completely normal.
Try to touch the piercing as less as possible during the healing process. We advise sterilizing your hands first if you really need to touch it.

Applying aftercare

Use the Neilmed: Neilcleanse Piercing Aftercare salt solution twice a day.
Once in the morning and once in the evening.

Spray the salt solution on all sides of the piercing, let it soak for 5 minutes.
It’s important to rinse the salt solution with water after 5 minutes.
Dab the piercing to dry it, you can use a (sterile)gauze, cotton bud or paper towel.

Neilmed: Neilcleanse Piercing Aftercare salt solution is not suitable for oral piercings or intimate piercings.

Advise & Tips

Take good care of the piercing during the healing process and do not change the jewellery.

Avoid swimming in the swimming pool or sea, steam cabins or saunas for 6-8 weeks.

It’s important to not apply any (body)lotions, creams, foundation, concealers etc. on the piercing.

If you have a cartilage piercing, make sure any pressure with items must be avoided.
Like scooter helmets, horse riding helmets, headphones etc.

Try to avoid sleeping on the ear which is pierced.
Dying your hair and the use of hairspray should be avoided as well.

Aftercare oral piercings

Applying aftercare

Use the Dentaid: Perio-Aid Active Control mouthwash twice a day.
Once in the morning and once in the evening, after brushing your teeth.

Use the cap of the mouthwash and fill this with 5ml of mouthwash. Rinse your mouth for 1 minute with the mouth wash, do not swallow.

Dentaid: Perio-Aid Active Control mouthwash is only supposed for oral piercings. It’s not suitable for any other piercings like intimate or regular piercings.

Don’t use the Dentaid: Perio-Aid Active Control mouthwash any longer than the healing process of your piercing.

Allergic reaction

Dentaid: Perio-Aid Mouthwash contains chlorhexidine which can cause an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction may be: skin rash, difficulties with breathing, cold sweat, dizziness, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat.
Stop using the product immediately if any of the above applies after using the mouthwash. We advise to contact your piercer, your doctor and/or first aid.


When having an oral piercing a couple of things need to be avoided, like consuming spicy food or citrus fruits, smoking and oral sex.

Chlorhexidine, which is present in the Dentaid: Perio-Acid Control mouthwash can cause short- or longterm symptoms like:
Discolouration of the teeth, discolouration of the tongue, discolouration of prostheses, a burning sensation, a change in taste and/or a dry mouth.

Often the side-effects disappear when you stop using the mouthwash. If this is not applicable, we advise you to contact your piercer or doctor.


Information about the risks of tattoos

Read the following information carefully and notify your tattoo artist if you’re not sure to get tattooed. There are health risks involved with the healing process from getting a tattoo.
You will get information about the aftercare to minimalize the health risks. It’s normal to feel pain, redness on the skin and inflammation. If the symptoms are getting worse during the healing process, it can be a sign of an infection. Please contact your doctor if this happens. Some complications can be related to your health situation.
It’s important for the tattoo artist to know about this. Therefore the tattoo artist can take it into account.
Tattoos are permanent. It’s possible that some inks that are used, can’t be removed easily. When in doubt, treatment should be postponed and medical advice should be sought after.

Don’t get a tattoo when:

– you’re pregnant or breastfeeding;
– you’re under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;
– you have a mole or scar that came after removing a melanoma.
– you’re using antibiotics.

The following conditions or illnesses may cause a higher risk of complications

– skin infection regardless of location and type of infection
– allergies (report the allergy to your tattoo artist, for example, latex allergy, allergy for metals and/or preservatives).
– areas of skin that appear damaged or abnormal, including moles.
– any skin diseases that are present. (e.g. eczema, psoriasis).
– areas of the skin that have been subjected to plastic surgery or radiotherapy, including recent scars and keloids.
– a previously tattooed spot that has not yet fully healed (healing period 6 weeks).
– a place where a tattoo has recently been lasered off or has been removed by another method removed if the wound has yet been healed.

General conditions:
– haemophilia or other clotting diseases.
– epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases.
– known allergies (e.g. latex allergy).
– diabetes.
– an autoimmune disease
– immunosuppression and immune system compromised condition. – sarcoidosis.
– chronic skin disease.
– allergies to tattoo materials or tattoo ink.
– immune disorder.
– cardiovascular deviation.

do you use anticoagulants? or does one of the following conditions above apply to you? and do you still want a tattoo? Consult your doctor first and ask for advice.

Go to www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl for more background information about the above risks.

Information about the risks for piercings

Getting a piercing is not without risks. It’s important to be well rested and to eat something before your appointment.
If you take medication, have skin problems, allergies, epilepsy and/or low pain tolerance, please tell the piercer about it. Also check www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl before coming to the studio where you wanted to be pierced, and to see if they have a permit. The permit shows that the piercer uses the right hygiene guidelines of the hygiene and safety center.

Don’t get a piercing:

– in places where you’ve had plastic surgery or lasering in the last year.
– in places that have been pierced within three months.
– in irritated skin like, bumps, dark moles or swelling.
– when you’re under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
– if you’re pregnant.
– if you’re taking antibiotics.

In addition, it is not recommended to get a piercing if you suffer from one of the following conditions

– diabetes
– haemophilia
– chronic skin diseases
– allergies to piercing(materials)
– immune disorder
– cardiovascular diseases.

Do you have any of these conditions or do you use anticoagulants? And do you still want a piercing? Discuss the options with a doctor first. For more information, go to www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl.

Getting a piercing

There is a possibility that the wound will get infected with a disease that can be transmitted via blood. For example, hepatitis b and c. Always check if the piercer works hygienically. A hygienic method is very important to prevent inflammation of the piercing.

Pay attention to:
– the cleaning and disinfecting before getting pierced.
– the needle and piercing must be packed sterilely and should not be touched with bare hands.
– the piercer should be wearing gloves while piercing.
– the piercer should disinfect his hands with 70-80% alcohol before putting on gloves.

It can hurt for a short time while getting pierced. contact your doctor for anesthesia.